About Paul Longhetti
About White Enlightenment
The Way Of White Enlightenment

"White Enlightenment is a readable presentation, very generally addressed, of some of the major dilemmas that concern humanity, and in particular, of the only question that, ironically, can never be answered, or certainly cannot be given one answer to fit all – WHY? Paul Longhetti writes with a poetic and profound spirituality.

Paul does not take up a polemical stance. He is, if this does not sound contradictory, a religious humanist. He is a philosophical deist.

He raises some of the great questions which humanity can ask, which may not be commonly addressed considerations, although they should be matters that we address daily. The French Impressionist painter Gauguin’s last great painting is his view of the eternal human condition, presented through a group of people, men, women, children, on the island of Tahiti. In the top right hand corner, three questions are written (in French; I translate, and I am not quite sure if I have the order correct): Who are we? Where do we come from? Where are we going

These, or versions thereof, are the central questions that, in their essence, have concerned all thinkers through the centuries, and these are the questions that Paul addresses, principally through an immensely personal and inspirational dialogue with inner reality. He is, as a writer, inclusive; he accepts much, he dismisses little.

One of the qualities of this book is that it may start the casual reader to think less casually. It is extremely easy to read. The author gives the reader a lot of jumping-off points, some of them provocative: OK, he seems to be saying, you don’t agree? Right, off you go, read it up, find out for yourself. Make up your own mind. Look into your own heart, and see what your heart answers.

Someone who picks up this book could easily find themselves next reading Darwin, the Upanishads, or Bertrand Russell, the Quran or Spinoza. This has to be valuable. I have a bad habit of reading three books at once and while I was reading Paul Longhetti, I was also reading Wittgenstein’s Tractatus (flawed but fascinating) and the letters of Carl Jung (too many of them), and they were not bad book-shelf fellows. This book may appear simple, but it is certainly not simplistic. An insoluble intellectual problem is made no easier by being dressed up in jargon. Paul is a spiritual writer who communicates with his reader in the language of truth and perception. His prose has the clarity and transparency of a window pane.

This is an interesting book and above all thought provoking book, and one for which we are happy to offer a publication proposal. It has been a privilege to have read White Enlightenment. It presents a distillation of much thought and wisdom in a frame that is contemporary but also timeless.

This is a book that we would publish both in North America and the UK, and we will be pleased to offer a publication proposal.”

Mark Sykes
Athena Press


“White Enlightenment is a book that speaks to our soul and brings about the truth from within of who we are and our final journey to enlightenment on earth at this time. It shows us a practical way to get communication with our divine being and our communication with the heart of hearts, the God within. Paul’s life journey is inspirational and shows us the miracles that await us if we open our hearts and let our inner light to guide us and bless us in this journey.”

Ali Sharifzadeh
Reconnective Healing Practitioner


“White Enlightenment is a book that personally has had a very positive impact on me. I do not consider myself to be a religious or completely spiritual person but while reading the book, I realised that I am more spiritual that I first thought. This was a book that I could just open at any page on any given day and re-read to instantly feel uplifted and internally strong.

In the last couple of years I have had what I perceive as a number of very negative life changing events which have created in me very negative thought patterns which have been a constant self battle to deal with and have caused me to suffer from anxiety, eating problems, insomnia and the odd panic attack which has effected all areas of my life. White Enlightenment has given me back my personal empowerment, it has been a lesson for my emotions on how to let go of my insecurities, fears and mind pain.

I was so surprised while reading White Enlightenment as it felt as if this book had been written for me as this book and what it was saying was created to help me and my own personal struggle. While holding this book in my hands and reading it with my eyes, it felt like a gift from someone who was watching over me and know I needed to read this book to set myself free from my own negative mind pain.

White Enlightenment has helped me to free myself and then rediscover myself again. I am now on a high that comes from within and feel stronger and now positive about the future. Thank you Paul from my heart.”

Nicole Hughes

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