About Paul Longhetti
About White Enlightenment
The Way Of White Enlightenment

Workshop and Spiritual Dialogue
"The Quickening"

Awakening of the soul essence, a journey to enlightenment. Join and share this spiritual dialogue and experience its divine resonance, healing and wisdom.

Guest Speakers

Paul Longhetti: International Author of White Enlightenment Free Spirit, Intuitive Reader, Clairvoyant and Vibrational Energetic Healer.

Paul is available for workshops, spiritual dialogues, interviews, healings and readings by appointment.

To arrange an appointment with Paul Longhetti, please call 0412 550 385 or email paul@whiteenlightenment.com.

Lorraine Magrin: Spiritual Teacher, Reiki Master, Resonance transformational healer and Remedial Bodywork Practitioner.

Allan Patriarca: Reiki Master, Abundance and Personal Empowerment Teacher, Spiritual Healer and Remedial Bodywork Practitioner.

Ann Evans: White Enlightenment Managering Facilitator.

For all courses and dialogues, email Ann Evans at ann@whiteenlightenment.com.

We all deserve to be able to fly free within our own divine empowerment, giving you the tools to set yourself free from the mind pain that at times engulfs us all.

If your heart calls you, join us on this epic journey to emotional and spiritual freedom.

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